About the Author: Marialaura Dolfi

These ‘Tortelli alla mugellana’ with ‘Ragu’ souse were made by my aunt Loretta! This is typical homemade pasta of the Mugello region in province of Firenze Italia. The pasta is with eggs and wealth flour. The filling is made by potatoes, parmigiano cheese, fried bacon with garlic, salt, pepper and rosemary. Simply delicious!!!

Note: EYW normally doesn’t approve homeade dishes, but this one was too good to pass up. Let us know where to find this dish in a restaurant in Borgo San Lorenzo. Grazie!

Tortelli mugellani – My aunts kitchen
Borgo san lorenzo (Fi) Italia
Borgo San Lorenzo Tuscany Italy
Tortelli mugellani – My aunts kitchen
Borgo san lorenzo (Fi) Italia
Borgo San Lorenzo Tuscany Italy