About the Author: lilyzhu

I traveled to Tibet in September. It is the best time travel to Tibet . I first tasted butter tea in Lhasa. Butter tea is a specialty drink in Tibet. It is often eaten together with sputum as a staple food, and it has the effect of refreshing the mind, refreshing the mind, and quenching thirst. This beverage is made from ghee and strong tea.

First, put the appropriate amount of ghee into a special barrel, add salt, then inject the boiled strong tea juice, and repeatedly mix with the wooden handle to make the ghee and tea juice dissolve into one liquid, which is milky. Some ethnic groups adjacent to the Tibetans also have the custom of drinking butter tea. The traditional method of refining ghee for herders is to first heat the milk from the cattle and sheep, pour it into a special large wooden barrel, and then use a special buttering utensil to force the milk up and down, hundreds of times.

Butter tea is a daily essential drink for Tibetans. It is necessary for life in the Tibetan plateau. One, it can cure altitude sickness, and two, it can prevent the lips from bursting due to dry weather. Third, it can play a good role in protecting the cold. When you are cold, you can drive the cold. When you eat meat, you can get tired. When you are hungry, you can fill your hunger. When you are sleepy, you can get rid of it. When you sleep, you can still be clear-headed. Tea contains vitamins that can reduce the damage caused by the lack of vegetables on the plateau.

The color of butter tea is similar to that of concentrated cocoa tea. Drink a cup of tea, the tea is very strong, and the milk is fragrant and has a special aftertaste. 

Butter Tea in Tibet
Chengguan District Tibet 850000
Butter Tea in Tibet
Chengguan District Tibet 850000